Gestione SILO has many years of experience, with its treatment department, in the development and production of coatings with excellent performance. The technological development given by the purchase of new machinery and equipment has allowed us to further improve our know-how.
Today, Gestione SILO boasts a wide range of coatings, for UV, Visible, NIR and IR with characteristics suitable for the most varied sectors. Among these, the military, medical, aerospace, laser and industrial sectors in general.
Among the most commonly used coatings are AR UV, AR VIS-NIR, AR IR, dichroic BeamSplitter long pass and short pass, dichroic cut on and cut off filters, metal mirrors, high reflection dielettreiciad mirrors, V coating, ITO. Most of the coatings in the catalog are tested according to the strictest international military standards. For newly developed coatings, it is possible to perform qualification tests according to the regulations required by the customer.