PADME project
Scope of application: Experimental research on "dark matter"
Project: For the research of the signals of "dark matter" the PADME experiment of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Frascati is being prepared. For this purpose, an electromagnetic calorimeter has been constructed capable of detecting ordinary photons with high precision and efficiency.
The cylindrical calorimeter with a radius of 300mm and a depth of 230mm, is made up of 616 high brightness BGO crystals (LY), high intensity p, small Xoe MR.
Gestione Silo participated in the project with the production of the 616 sparkling units starting from the BGO crystals recovered from a past experiment at CERN.
For the recycling of the crystals, initially of a truncated-pyramidal shape with a trapezoidal base, a specific machining cycle was carried out with close tolerances, roughing, grinding and finishing of all the faces to create square-shaped parallelepipeds 21x21x210 mm , subsequently they were glued to the photosensors (becoming a single object) and finally painted.
The optical junction of the painted crystals would prevent the dispersion of light towards the outside which would hinder the operation of the neighboring crystals. The coupling to the scintillators allows the light to be transmitted with maximum efficiency to the photomultiplier.
The set of 616 assembled crystals are an integral part of the calorimeter that will be used for the experiment.