Cosmetic tests
Basic control parameters for laser optics or near focal plane, the control of the cosmetics is applied on all our components and consists in giving an evaluation of the defects present on an optical surface in terms of scratches, dots, halos, etc.
We have optic machines that aid our operators in this task with the possibility of enlargements from 4x to 6x.
For smaller defects, we have a Nikon microscope with objectives up to 100 magnifications.
Centering tests
The department is equipped with 3 laser centerers with which to measure the centering both in crossing and in reflection of flat and radius optics. Each centering device is equipped with specific equipment to position lenses with different geometries.
Interferometric tests
The testing room is equipped with a latest-generation Zygo interferometer, which allows measurements of surface quality up to λ / 20 to be performed.
A wide range of reference planes and spheres allow us to perform measurements both on planes and on radii up to λ / 20, both in terms of reflection and of wavefront deviation.
For controls in line with production and in high vibration environments, we have two AV100 interferometers, one of which is mounted on a vertical slide.
Roughness measurements
We have a controlled roughness tester, with which to check the texture of the surfaces, both for smooth and rough surfaces.
The Zygo NewView optical roughness tester is also in use in our laboratory. It guarantees high performance during the final product testing phase and supports the improvement and stability of production processes with precious information with a high degree of precision. The measurements are, in fact, guaranteed with a vertical resolution higher than 0.1nm, a lateral resolution from 0.45 to 11.8μm, an accuracy of the step Height and a repeatability of less than 0.1nm RMS.
We can support specific requests to characterize machining with particular roughness requirements.
Process Controls
During the optical construction process, numerous checks are performed with periodically calibrated precision instruments, horizontal and vertical interferometers (Zygo, Moeller Wedel), microscopes as well as a wide range of control forms (about 2000).