Gestione SILO boasts the Certification of its Quality Management System according to ISO9001: 2015, as well as the ISO9211 qualification of the 3.5-5 micron AR treatment on ZnSe and ZnS. AR 960-1700 in accordance with MIL-C-48497a and ISO9022. In addition, it is a qualified supplier of Selex ES for optical AR VIS treatments and optical bonding.
Every day, the company strives to guarantee the highest quality of its orders, further raising the culture of quality in the people who work in the organization, making them aware of the importance of their business.
Again with an eye for quality, Gestione SILO is committed to preventing, reducing and / or eliminating non-conformities, satisfying the client's requests, continuously improving the product / service provided, thanks to the continuous adaptation of the company's production capacity and flexibility. The goal is to maintain a high competitiveness of its products and the best possible quality / price ratio, in full compliance with all regulations.
Gestione SILO involves and educates the staff at every level in the Quality Policy through regular meetings, and is always oriented to achieve measurable objectives to evaluate the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.